Tecnici interview
The redevelopment of the port area
We are on the historic quay of what is the first settlement of the port of Taranto; behind me is the Taranto dock, which we have renamed so since it is the first historic nucleus.
In recent years, we have tried to change the cultural approach by seeking to open up the city to the port and the port to the city.
And a first step towards opening up is precisely the creation of a promenade that would take a citizen, or a tourist, from the Aragonese Castle down towards the historic walls all the way to the port, walking right along the shore, passing through what the Taranto people once called the ‘duana’, the customs house, crossing a space that used to be a physical crossing point, until you get to the statue of Saint Catald, where we are building a multipurpose centre called Falanto, where tourists from cruise ships will be welcomed.
And so, a tourist getting off the cruise ship will be welcomed directly into the multipurpose centre called Falanto, and inside Falanto, they will find tourist reception services, catering and cultural activities, with a sort of amphitheatre that can seat up to 200 people and with public and administrative offices.
And from Falanto, they will be able to take a stroll and visit the Aragonese Castle, for example, or look at the city from a different perspective, one that has never before been explored, namely that of looking at the city from the sea.
The new waterfront
The city’s waterfront redevelopment project, for example, also includes the creation of a sea organ.
So a tourist, or a resident, who walks along this new waterfront designed specifically for this purpose
will be delighted by the sounds produced by the sea organ, which is located right behind me.
With this, we increasingly want to try to change the cultural approach we have had up to now,
trying to make people understand that Taranto is not just an industrial city, but can offer a wide range of different types of services: touristic or even commercial, For example, we think that the Eastern Gate will be moved for this very purpose, so that both the local population and the tourists can better enjoy the entire city.
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