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Raccomandatari interview

Giuseppe Melucci, President of the RACCOMAR Association Taranto


The shipping agent is the person who organises and coordinates the port call.

He is the person who interfaces with the maritime authorities in charge of controls, but also with third parties, i.e. with the Harbour Master’s Office, the Police, Health and Customs, and is a strategic function without which there would be no development of traffic in our port.

The shipping agent represents the owner or charterer of the ship in the port, and therefore gathers all the useful information for the Port Authority, for example, so that it can proceed with a safe mooring as quickly as possible and sustainably from an economic point of view.

He is also the one who interfaces with shippers and cargo receivers, which is why he also has a natural aptitude for making contacts within the domestic and foreign markets, because ships carry very large volumes of goods.

The importance of the sea routes and beyond

The sea is still the main source for the supply of goods.

It is estimated that 87% of goods travel by sea because of its flexibility and, above all, its capacity to transport significant quantities of goods.

The Ionian infrastructure network still suffers from shortcomings, but we hope that after so many years during which we, the agents, have denounced this critical situation, things will go in the right direction and therefore make Taranto a very attractive port from the logistics point of view,

considering the fact we have Suez only three days away, and this allows goods that have to arrive in Bavaria, for example, to save seven days and therefore have the goods immediately available seven days earlier.

A job that requires a lot of passion

If you don’t have passion, there’s no point in taking on this job, because it’s an occupation that goes on 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

The phone calls that arrive from Singapore or the United States are such that they don’t allow you to lead a normal life, but there is a lot of passion and without passion this job would just remain an end in itself, and soulless.

Instead, at least as far as I’m concerned, I find in the different aspects, in the novelty, in solving the problems that arise each time a continuous challenge to myself, but above all to the business I run.

So, yes, a lot of passion, a lot of sacrifice and, if I may say so, an unconditional love for the city which, after years of suffering, must finally reclaim what is its own, namely its sea.

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Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
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781-562-9355, 781-727-6090

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